Primrose Hill School

How many years have you been operating?
Between 5 and and 10 years
How many students are enrolled in your school?
Less than 250
How many people do you have in your faculty?
12 to 24
Total number of people on staff
What's the age range the school serves? (pick all that apply)
  • Early Childhood (Kindergarten, nursery, etc)
  • Elementary
  • Middle School

Company Information

Located on a 7.5 acre parcel of land with a small working farm, in the Village of Rhinebeck, Primrose Hill School educates the whole child – the head, the heart and the hands – in order to cultivate each child’s unique capacities, create a deep connection to the natural world, and ultimately provide a strong foundation for contributing creatively, cooperatively and compassionately to a rapidly changing world.  Through a curriculum inspired by Waldorf philosophy, PHS instills a life-long curiosity and love of learning, a deep knowledge of the arts, sciences, language, music and agriculture, and an ability to respond with adaptability, integrity and self-knowledge to all opportunities and challenges that arise.

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