Olivetree Waldorf kindergarten Cyprus

How many years have you been operating?
Between 5 and and 10 years
How many students are enrolled in your school?
Less than 250
How many people do you have in your faculty?
Less than 12
Total number of people on staff
What's the age range the school serves? (pick all that apply)
  • Early Childhood (Kindergarten, nursery, etc)

Company Information

Since 2016, Olivetree is established in Limassol area as a Waldorf spirited kindergarten. A beautiful house on the hills dedicated to early childhood and parenthood. From 15 to 20 children with educators surrounding them. Freedom is the heart of our steps. We are inspired by Rudolf Steiner impulses and are supported by a solid community of parents.

Current job openings at Olivetree Waldorf kindergarten Cyprus

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